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Mobile Technology And It's Advantages And Disadvantages

Mobile Technology | Advantages And Disadvantages


Mobile Technology have revolutionized our way of life. Whenever an older family member tells stories through earlier communication methods such as security guards, mail letters and phone calls, 21st-century children feel truly surprised.

It seems that the people who tell the stories about the phone are from another planet. It is, therefore, true that Mobile Technology has ushered in a new era in our world, which has completely eliminated the old way of life.

However, this does not mean that these Mobile Technology do not affect people badly. Everything on planet earth has two sides; pros and cons or Advantages And Disadvantages.

It's the same with Mobile technology. This technology is beneficial and efficient. In this article, the advantages will be proportioned to the disadvantages of obtaining a real understanding of the effects of Mobile Technology on human life.

Advantages of Mobile Technology:

The Advantages Of Mobile Technology

It is said that "telephones have turned the world into a global village." The statement seems to be quite true. Living in one corner of the globe, we can talk with our loved ones who live in another part of the world.

Advantages of mobile technology has accelerated small and large businesses. Business groups around the world can communicate with each other in a few seconds. They can deal with it and decide quickly. As a result, the business world has improved dramatically as a result of this technology.

Another Advantages of mobile technology is It made people communicate. In this way, cell phones promote communication.

The Advantages Of Mobile Technology

To provide a network of communication, more people are needed to manage responsibilities. Therefore, many unemployed people have found good jobs as a result of this technology.

The Disadvantages of Mobile Technology:

The Disadvantages Of Mobile Technology

What’s worse is that the disadvantages of mobile technology has negatively impacted the natural way humans communicate. People are always busy with their cells or sitting in a group of other people.

There are many stories of people experiencing accidents due to focusing on their cell phone while driving. So, this is one of the biggest disadvantages of mobile technology.

Cell phones are used by criminals to inform each other of their dirty plans. Also, their criminal schemes are designed to use this disadvantages of mobile technology in many cases.

Cell phones have also fueled street crime and moral decay. Most immoral, so-called love stories find their way through the abuse of this disadvantages of mobile technology.

Some well-known ear and brain diseases have been reported as a result of overuse of these devices. In addition, vision problems have also been identified among many insane mobile users.


Therefore, mobile technology seems like that cell phones are not only useful, but also dangerous. Of course, it would be wrong to say that no other mobile technology is harmful by nature, it is up to us whether we use it well or not.

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