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Fiber Optic Cable | What Is Fiber Optic Cable?


Fiber Optic Cable

Fiber optic cable consider different packets of light that are transmitted by a wave. Most of the light rays that form these packets will be guided by a wave within its visible limits.

Fiber Optic Cable

The light path will follow in a straight line, jumping to the side of the waves as a result of the display. Some of the rays will be lost in the intensity of the waves, but most will continue to emit on fiber optic cable.

Fiber Optic Cable

Fiber optic cable is a very thin and flexible body with a rounded shape. It is the equivalent of a light microwave wave-guide. The waveguide of fiber optic cable is made up of two layers of glass or plastic.

Fiber Optic Cable

The more the inner layer or spine of fiber optic cable the more light travels. It is made of glass or plastic and has a display indicator.

Fiber Optic Cable

The fiber optic cable is surrounded by a transparent patch called a coating. Glass or plastic covers with materials are very different from those in the context.

Fiber Optic Cable

The indicator binding is below the fiber optic cable and is defined by µc. This layer is kept thick enough for about one-tenth of the short space to provide separation.

Fiber Optic Cable

These layers are protected by an outer layer called a jacket or cover. It is made of polymer or other material that provides protection from moisture, crushing and other environmental hazards.

Fiber Optic Cable

The fiber optic cable acts as a continuous layer of two identical mirrors. It has a high index of return and insert namely. µf> µc resulting in a complete internal display. The signal is first placed in a simple gun that is passed between the borders and distributed due to multiple internal manifestations.

Fiber Optic Cable

When a light wave enters the end of a certain fiber optic cable in the lower part of the receiving angle and strikes the average of the fiber insertion angle above the critical angle and is fully exposed to the internal light illuminated the inner wall opposite the critical angle and is fully reflected the process continues.

Fiber Optic Cable

through the length of the fiber optic cable and out to the other end without losing power.

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