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Sony Playstation 3 | Facts About Sony Playstation 3

Sony Playstation 3

It has been more than a dozen years since Japan's largest consumer company Sony entered the gaming space. Since their first offering of the game console, Sony PlayStation 3 has been successful in aspiring to a special name in the game's niche.

Sony Playstation 3

Until recently, the PlayStation legacy remained untouched and its leadership did not challenge the challenge.

Launching Of Playstation 3

However, with the launch of the seventh-generation gaming console from another major player in the league, Microsoft and Nintendo, the Sony PlayStation has lost good reason in terms of market share and product reliability.

Launching Of Playstation 3

Their latest seventh-generation gaming console - the Sony PlayStation 3 seeks to recapture the lost cause. PlayStation 3 was first launched in Japan - the company's home area on November 11, 2006, when the North American release came just six days later on November 17, 2006. The show was released in Europe and Australasia on March 23, 2007.

Launching Of Playstation 3

From the date of its launch, console gaming has gained great popularity among all gamers around the world. According to Media Create, 81 639 programs for the PS3 were sold within 24 hours of its launch in Japan. Initially, the Sony PlayStation 3 was available with two upgrades - 20GB and 60 GB. However, the 20GB module was temporarily terminated due to lack of demand and was replaced by a much higher 80GB module.

Facts About Sony Playstation 3

Facts About Sony Playstation 3

PlayStation 3 is based on open and publicly available app applications. PlayStation 3 includes the ability to store different user profiles, view uploaded images, play music and movies from the hard drive, USB and mouse keyboard compatibility for additional navigation assistance using its user interface and computer-like game, and web browser full.

Wrap Up

These features and options give the Sony PlayStation 3 user the freedom to differentiate the use of the gaming console outside of its main function - playing high-quality video games.

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