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Water Damaged iPhone | How To Fix Water Damaged iPhone

Water Damaged iPhone

So, you have water damaged iphone and now what? Yes, I have the help of a real world to help you. The same thing happened to me, and I had the most expensive Apple iPhone 3G.

Here You Find Solutions Of Fixing Water Damaged iPhone

Water Damaged iPhone

1. Do not plug it into a power source !!! (this can kill it completely)

Water Damaged iPhone

2. If you have an iPhone go to the nearest Apple store and make them take a higher price. The Smart Bar will give it away for free. They have a device that can look inside and say if the insides are full. Cost? Free. (always good) 

Water Damaged iPhone

If you don't have an iPhone go to the nearest store where you bought the phone and ask them to look. If you bring it online, bad news you may be out of luck with any help and you are alone. But stay with me here with some tips.

Water Damaged iPhone

3. Next get a plastic baggie, such as a refrigerator bag that can be sealed, filled with rice, of any kind, and if you have silica packs (those packs come in electronic boxes) include the ones inside the baggie. Put the phone inside and cover it with rice and a seal.

Water Damaged iPhone

4. Place the sealed baggie in a warm dry place, not a radiator or anything hot, just dry and warm. Watch it as the moisture is released it will carry inside the baggie, when you see that it changes the baggie to a new one. Let the phone stay inside the baggie for at least three to five days.

Water Damaged iPhone

5. Unplug the water damaged iphone and let it sit for 24 hours and then connect to the charger, NOT the computer, which may damage your computer.

Water Damaged iPhone

6. When it comes back, you are fine. If it tries to restart the good news. It may not be fixed but it is worth it. If nothing happens you need a new phone. But there is hope for some money.

Water Damaged iPhone

7. Currency options; there are buyers out there who will repair water damaged iphone with water. EBay is one place to explore; there you will find buyers who will buy phones to get back into shape. And with Craig's list, you can place an ad for free and find a buyer.

Wrap Up

So the good news is you may not have a complete loss, bad news or whatever you find will probably not cover the cost of a new phone.

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